Commercial Investment Criteria
Borstein’s commercial division develops and acquires commercial assets for its own portfolio. Properties have ranged from 50,000 square feet to 1.0 million square feet per location. Borstein’s current portfolio consists of over 1.3 million square feet of income-producing properties and the company along with its principals own an additional 43 acres of ground leases in Orange County. We are aggressively pursuing acquisitions focusing on the following product, markets and general acquisition parameters:
- Existing industrial product
- Warehouse, Distribution, Light Manufacturing, R&D/Flex, Incubator & Truck Terminal
- Class A and B existing property, or Class C if priced at land value
- Industrial land for speculative development (over 4 acres)
- Leased fee position in ground leases
- Lease terms can range from 1 to 99 years
- Any product type (i.e., industrial, office, retail, multi-family, condos, etc.)
- Ideally priced at or under land value with substantial improvements on the land
- Southern California in the following Counties (Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, Ventura, Santa Barbara)
- Long term ground leases outside of Southern California are also considered
- Industrial land over 4 acres
- Existing Single and multi-tenant industrial product
- $3 – $50 million for single-tenant assets
- $3 – $150 million for multi-tenant projects or portfolios
- Stabilized Property or Properties with Vacancy, Rollover, or Lease-Up Risk
- Property that can be re-entitled for a higher and better use
- Opportunistic, Value-Add, and Core Product
- Distressed Debt Opportunities
- Infill locations with good freeway access
- Strong emphasis on the underlying Basis (either land or building) as primary underwriting benchmark
Please Submit Opportunities To:
- Craig Borstein
- T 310-582-1991 x209
- Vcard Download
- John Meehan
- T 310-582-1991 x210
- Vcard Download
Existing Portfolio and Select Past Developments